Model : MUED-BBMP (at 2015-07-27 16:03:47)AuthorsAlexander Belyaev, Matthew Brown, Jesús Moreno, Chloé PapineauAdded ByBelyaevReferencesA. Belyaev, M. Brown, J. Moreno, C. Papineau [arXiv:1212.4858]T. Appelquist, H.-C. Cheng and B. A. Dobrescu, Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 035002 [hep-ph/0012100] H.-C. Cheng, K. T. Matchev and M. Schmaltz, Phys.Rev. D66 (2002) 036005 [hep-ph/0204342] AbstractMinimal Universal Extra Dimensions with radiative mass corrections and electroweak symmetry breaking implemented consistently CalcHEP.InformationImplementation of the minimal model of Universal Extra Dimensions where there is one extra dimensions compactified on an S^1/Z_2 orbifold as originally proposed in Ref. 2. We explain the implementation and test it rigorously in Ref. 1. In that reference we also use the model to investigate potential LHC discovery signatures. We implement so-called "brane" mass corrections in a gauge invariant way, using the values calculated in Ref. 3. We do not include bulk corrections because it is not clear how to do so in a gauge invariant manner, but they are numerically small and so can be safely neglected. In contrast to other models on the market, we include electroweak symmetry breaking, and the full Higgs sector, so that unitarity is preserved. CAUTION: We have necessarily only included a finite number of KK modes (we have chosen to include up to and including n=2). This explicitly breaks the gauge invariance of the theory. However, as long as one restricts oneself to processes in which the simple sum of the KK numbers of the external particles is 5 or less, gauge invariance of those processes is ensured. If one goes above 5, there could be contributing diagrams containing n=3 particles that will NOT be included in the calculation in CacHEP. The general rule is that processes are safe when KK sum of external particles < 2(N+1) where N is the maximum KK mode included in the model (in this case, 2). If one considers LHC processes (with two SM particles in the initial state), one can consider "2-> many" processes with up to four n=1 particles and an unlimited number of SM particles in the final state and still be gauge invariant. We also have an implementation with N=4 available upon request. |